1: "Edward Elric's Top 5 Funniest Moments in Fullmetal Alchemist"

2: 1. When Ed realizes he's short. 2. Ed's reactions to being called small. 3. His frustration with milk. 4. Ed's failed attempts at flirting. 5. When Al mocks his height.

3: "Laugh along with Edward Elric's hilarious antics in Fullmetal Alchemist!"

4: 1. Ed's epic fails while alchemy. 2. His rivalry with Mustang. 3. Ed's run-ins with Winry. 4. His humorous expressions. 5. When Ed tries to act tough.

5: "Discover why Edward Elric is the comedic relief in Fullmetal Alchemist!"

6: 1. Ed's stubbornness with automail. 2. His awkward moments with Roy. 3. When Ed gets pranked by Al. 4. His overreactions to danger. 5. Ed's love-hate relationship with milk.

7: "Relive the most hilarious moments with Edward Elric in Fullmetal Alchemist!"

8: 1. Ed's ignorance of modern technology. 2. His fear of dogs. 3. Ed's reactions to being teased by Ling. 4. When Ed lets his guard down. 5. His comedic interactions with Armstrong.

9: "Join Edward Elric on a journey filled with laughter and fun in Fullmetal Alchemist!"