1: Pros: Convenience, endless options, comparison shopping, online deals

2: Cons: Inability to see ring in person, sizing issues, return policies

3: Pros: Customization options, virtual try-ons, 24/7 availability, no pressure sales

4: Cons: Hard to gauge quality, potential scams, delayed shipping, limited customer service

5: Pros: Eco-friendly options, access to international designers, easy price comparison

6: Cons: Difficulty in finding reputable sellers, risk of counterfeit products, shipping costs

7: Pros: Budget-friendly options, easy payment plans, access to reviews and testimonials

8: Cons: Difficulty in resizing, lack of personal touch, potential for miscommunication

9: In conclusion, online engagement ring shopping offers convenience and variety, but also comes with risks and challenges. Do thorough research and choose a reputable seller for a stress-free experience.