1: Wildfires can be traumatic, but understanding the psychology behind them helps in coping with the trauma.

2: Prolonged exposure to wildfire disaster can lead to emotional distress and mental health issues.

3: Common reactions to the trauma of wildfires include fear, sadness, anxiety, and stress.

4: It's important to seek professional help if you or someone you know is struggling to cope with the trauma of wildfires.

5: Self-care strategies such as talking to loved ones, staying active, and practicing mindfulness can help in coping with wildfire trauma.

6: Understanding that it's normal to feel overwhelmed after a wildfire can help in the healing process.

7: Rebuilding and restoring a sense of normalcy after a wildfire is essential for recovery.

8: Developing resilience and finding meaning in the wildfire experience can aid in coping with trauma.

9: Remember, healing from the trauma of wildfires takes time, but with support and self-care, it is possible to move forward.