1: From bulb to bloom, the daffodil's journey begins with planting in the fall.

2: Winter sleep follows, as the bulb waits for warmer days.

3: Spring arrives, and the daffodil awakens, sending up its first green shoots.

4: The shoots grow taller, revealing buds that promise vibrant blooms soon.

5: Finally, the buds burst open, unveiling the daffodil's sunny yellow petals.

6: Bees buzz around, pollinating the blooms for future generations of daffodils.

7: As the blooms fade, they produce seeds that will grow into new bulbs.

8: Summer heat gives way to fall, and the cycle begins anew with bulb planting.

9: From bulb to bloom and back again, the daffodil's journey is a beautiful reminder of nature's resilience.