1: "Poison ivy's leaves of three, let them be. Learn to identify and avoid this itchy plant to keep your camping trip memorable for the right reasons."

2: "Be on the lookout for shiny, red, or green leaves in clusters. Wear long sleeves, pants, and gloves when hiking to prevent contact with poison ivy."

3: "Avoid touching pets who may have brushed against poison ivy. Wash any exposed skin immediately with soap and water to reduce the risk of a rash."

4: "Pack a specialized poison ivy treatment kit, including antihistamines and calamine lotion, to soothe any symptoms that may arise during your camping trip."

5: "Remember, poison ivy can lurk in unexpected places like campsites and picnic areas. Stay vigilant and educate your camping companions on how to avoid it."

6: "Teach children to recognize poison ivy and the importance of not touching or playing near the plant. Prevention is key to a successful camping trip."

7: "If you suspect you've come into contact with poison ivy, change clothes and wash them immediately. Shower with cool water to help remove any lingering urushiol oil."

8: "Consider using a barrier cream or lotion containing bentoquatam if you'll be spending time in areas known to have poison ivy. Prevention is always better than treatment."

9: "Even the most experienced campers can fall victim to poison ivy. Stay informed, stay prepared, and stay itch-free on your next outdoor adventure."