1: 1. Siamese 2. Maine Coon 3. Ragdoll

2: 4. American Shorthair 5. Bengals 6. Abyssinian

3: 7. Burmese 8. Russian Blue 9. Bombay

4: 10. Sphynx 11. Tonkinese 12. Manx

5: 13. Devon Rex 14. Turkish Angora 15. Balinese

6: Siamese cats are known for their striking blue almond-shaped eyes and sleek, slender bodies.

7: Maine Coons are gentle giants with thick fur and playful personalities.

8: Ragdolls are known for their affectionate nature and floppy, relaxed demeanor.

9: American Shorthairs are versatile and easy-going cats, perfect for families.