1: Myth#1 - "You can't get poison ivy in winter."
2: Myth#2 - "Once you develop immunity, you can't get poison ivy again."
3: Myth#3 - "Only the leaves of poison ivy plants are toxic."
4: Myth#4 - "Scratching poison ivy blisters spreads the rash."
5: Myth#5 - "You can't get poison ivy rash from touching someone who has it."
6: Myth#6 - "Pets can't spread poison ivy oil to humans."
7: Myth#7 - "Poison ivy rash isn't contagious."
8: Myth#8 - "Clorox or bleach can cure poison ivy rash."
9: Myth#9 - "Natural remedies are the best treatment for poison ivy rash."
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