1: Discover the top 10 most powerful benders in Avatar: The Last Airbender. Who will claim the number one spot?

2: At number 10, Toph Beifong is a force to be reckoned with as the blind earthbender.

3: Coming in at number 9 is Katara, the skilled waterbender and healer of the group.

4: Zuko takes the eighth spot with his impressive firebending skills and redemption arc.

5: Azula, the ruthless firebending princess, secures the seventh spot on our list.

6: Master Piandao, the master swordsman and expert swordsman, claims the sixth spot.

7: King Bumi, the eccentric earthbending king, dominates the fifth spot on our list.

8: Avatar Aang, the last airbender, takes the fourth spot with his mastery over all elements.

9: In third place is Iroh, the powerful firebender and wise mentor to Prince Zuko.